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Meet The Artist

My name is Sue Runyon.  I am originally from Michigan and have always had a love of art and design.  I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drawing in 1989.  As a military spouse, I've had the opportunity for world travel and have lived many places in the United States with my husband and son.  In 2005, I moved with my family to South Korea for two years.  It was a great experience.   travel-collage-2.jpg

Great Wall of China.  Beijing outdoor market.  Utah.

From South Korea it's just two hours by air to Beijing, China. In Beijing I was introduced to all the wonderfully affordable and lustrous pearls available there.  As an artist, my eyes were opened to the limitless jewelry design possibilities of pearls and natural gemstones.

Once I returned to South Korea, I learned the art of stringing pearls in the classic style.  I was also able to purchase gemstone beads and quality findings at the historic Dongdaemun Market in Seoul.  A family trip to the "lost temples in the jungle" at Siem Reap, Cambodia (Angkor) offered further inspiration.  At first I just made designs for myself, but when my pieces started selling right off my neck, a business was born!


Chivay, Peru.  Machu Picchu, Peru.  Cambodia.

We have now moved back to the States, but I have retained my contacts in Asia which allow me to purchase superior quality materials at great prices and pass those savings on to my customers. Asia continues to influence my designs.

My design philosophy is that the Creator is the ultimate artist. I am inspired by the luster of pearls and endlessly fascinated by natural gemstones and metals. I feel there is no need for fussy, trendy designs that tend to obscure what is naturally so magnificent. My designs focus on the materials and what looks flattering on the wonderful women who wear them. My practical nature insures that my pieces actually work and will last through years of wear.

God Bless,

Sue Runyon 

"Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."    Psalms 34:5